instagram profile

10 Steps to Boost Your Instagram Profile

With over 100 million Instagram users in 2017, there is a no-brainer in stating, “Instagram is everybody’s first pick”. Surprisingly, nowadays companies have started relying on Instagram because users are 10 times more likely to engage with brands on Instagram than on other platforms such as Facebook or Twitter.

To create a successful Instagram profile, which captures the attention of the target audience. These 10 simple steps will boost an Instagram profile to drive meaningful business outcomes.

Scroll on to check these 10 steps to boost your Instagram Profile

1. Opt for an Instagram business account

To get the privilege of analytics and promotional tools, opting for a business account is necessary. Analytics aid to get the insight of post-performance and follower growth. Business users can also boost the post reach with few taps.

Since 80 per cent of Instagram users follow at least one brand, Instagram provides business accounts to include a contact button that sends a message via Instagram direct message, email or SMS to the brand representatives. Hence, this makes social media customer support far easier than before.

2. Use a profile-tracking link

Since Instagram allows social media marketers to share only one live URL across the entire platform, the link in an account profile is incredibly important. Also, keep a check on the link and its traceability as it will help the marketers to analyze how many website visitors or customers are referred from Instagram.

Marketers can use Instagram analytics platform or, to see the engagement with the link in the bio.

3. Use layouts and multi-grid images to make a statement.

Designing a profile that makes a statement is mandatory for Instagram marketers. The only better way to do this is by creating a multi-grid collage that forms a comprehensible image. Take inspiration from Sabyasachi, who has dived into the cropped images trend.

Best of all to prompt curiosity amongst the users, brands upload a series of images that are indecipherable so that users will choose your Instagram profile to get a glimpse of the full image.

For instance, Rolls Royce uploaded nine images that came out to be the front profile of a recently released model.

4. Invest in a powerful Instagram analytics solution.

The only way to grasp that Instagram strategy as fruitful is by the analytics to prove it. From calculating the performing of the tracking link in your Instagram bio to determining which posts resonate most among followers to pinpointing the ideal time to post new content, a third-party analytics tool is essential to boost your Instagram profile and strategy.

5. A/B test your Instagram bio.

The best way to understand if your Instagram bio is effective and is serving your social media marketing goals is via an A/B test. Get started by selecting a dependent variable that can be measured. One popular dependent variable is tracking link URL clicks.

Next, create a variety of noticeably different Instagram profiles and rotate them evenly to ensure that each bio is displayed to roughly the same number of followers for roughly the same amount of time.

Finally, look at the URL performance data to determine which profile was most effective at generating URL clicks.

6. Go for the quality of followers rather than quantity.

Throw out the myth of having numbers of followers than engaging followers. To boost your Instagram profile get a quick look at Instagram profiles owned by some of the largest companies in the world shows that follower quality is more important than quantity. These profiles have far more followers than, say, the 86.4K that 3M, a company with 152 shareholder returns. And yet, despite their lower follower count, no one in their right mind would think 3M is a lightweight company. Think and do.

7. Build a thoughtful content calendar.

Unlike other social media platforms, Instagram content isn’t really buried in one’s profile. Instead, it is relatively easy to see every post dating back months, if not years. Marketers should be mindful of this and should develop a thoughtful sequence of cohesive Instagram content to create a profile that puts forth a comprehensible brand narrative.

8. Assign someone to monitor messaging channels.

Since Instagram Business accounts provide profile viewers with the ability to contact brands with the touch of a button, customer service requests could easily come at any hour of the day. Given this reality, social media marketers should consider assigning someone to monitor incoming Instagram messages during working hours.

9. Upload your Instagram profile image frequently.

Look fresh and make your Instagram profile image also look fresh and relevant. Adding logo variations or designs specific to a marketing campaign can encourage followers to check out your profile more frequently than they might otherwise. Just as in real life.

10. Win a blue checkmark to increase credibility.

Instagram offers established brands the ability to receive verified account status signified by a blue checkmark. This checkmark will give Instagram followers peace of mind, as they are assured that your account represents the official voice of the organization. While Instagram does not allow the general public to submit a verification request, Mashable has reported that there is a way to get an Instagram account verified through more creative means. Tingles.

So far, creating a fully boosted Instagram profile capable of engaging Instagram users will require an organized plan of attack and plenty of patience too. At last, Instagram is all about having fun with various forms of media. And, one of the best ways to do that is by using emoji in your Instagram profile company’s bio and in your life as well 😉

Published by

Alok Paul

Co-Founder of Prime Seller Hub.

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